Giuseppe Sottile

Mathematics and theoretical physics

In this section I present various topics both in physics and in mathematics in general. It is essentially a collection of exhibitions developed by me during my studies which I continue to progressively enrich. They are simple introductory articles but reveal many of the intrinsic characteristics of mathematical and physical structures. Below you will find links to the various articles. (Section being updated).

The complete video page

The collection of videos from the YouSciences channel, organized by playlist (from 2017).

Complete course of Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics with a Wave and Operatorial Approach (updating).

Complete course of tensor analysis (Easy)

Differential and Riemannian geometry, differentiable manifolds and tensor calculus (updating).


The Virtual Electronics and Physics laboratory of Giuseppe Sottile

A roundup of small relationships
Teaching Projects

C\C++ Programs - Web Sites

Old Reports page

A collection of various reports.

La Costruzione della DMC12