Giuseppe Sottile

  • YouSciences (Web Site) / Portal

    YouSciences è un sito web di divulgazione scientifica ideato nel 2017.

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  • J2EE Web-app

    Apr-Mag 2017 | Responsive java enterprise-app web site with include administration panel - at

  • Bootstrap responsive web site

    Apr 2017 | Responsive web

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  • Java Software Database management

    Interfacciamento e gestione di un sistema informativo..

  • Z80 Interfacing

    Interfacciamento del microprocessore Zilog Z80.

    Il microprocessore della Zilog lo Z80, è stato forse uno dei migliori microprocessori a 8 bit mai realizzati, ancora oggi in produzione. In questo progetto il chip è stato interfacciato nell'hardware realizzato ad hoc e programmato.
  • IoT Beacons Android Application

    Feb-Mar 2017 | Si tratta di un'applicazione Android che fa uso delle nuove tecnologie Beacons di Phisical Web ed Internet of Things(IoT) per l'interfacciamento degli Smartphone con il mondo che ci circonda.

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  • Oriented Object Programming - Expression Solver

    Jun 2013 | The software in question was developed using an object-oriented approach using the Java programming language. It solves the problem of calculating arithmetic expressions involving simple operations such as multiplication, subtraction sums etc.

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  • Simple HTML Web-site

    Mar 2013 | Simple HTML Web-site.

  • CD Artwork jewelBox

    2012 | Graphical Artwork Project Compact Disc with inlay booklet.

    at this link
  • CD Artwork jewelBox

    Sept 2011 | Graphical Artwork Project Compact Disc.

    at this link
  • DVD Artwork jewelBox

    Marc 2010 | Graphical Artwork Project DVD-Disc.

    at this link
  • EP Artwork digiFile

    2010 | Graphical Artwork Project EP-Disc.

    at this link
  • CD Artwork digiPack

    Marc 2009 | Graphical Artwork Project CD-Disc with inlay booklet.

    at this link
  • C++\C QT Programming (miscellanea)

    2007-2008 | Realization of various programs application console and gui (Graphical user interface) for resolution of various math and logic problems.

    calcolatrice - programming app giux giuseppe sottile - C\C++ QT


    ottp regine - programming app giux giuseppe sottile - C\C++ QT

    Eight Qween

    variant - programming app giux giuseppe sottile - C\C++ QT


    interpolation - programming app giux giuseppe sottile - C\C++ QT


    View Other Applications

  • Web sites Development

    2007 | Realization of various websites including the following technologies: HTML, CSS, JoomlaCMS, MySQL DBMS, Adobe Flash, XML, XHTML, Javascript.

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